We welcome equestrian business owners from all backgrounds, whether you are a one man band or have employees. Our aim is to be as inclusive and diverse as possible. We appreciate that some business owners may have different fields of expertise, for example be a riding instructor as well as an accredited saddle fitter. Therefore, individuals may enter more than one category where relevant. Self nominations as well as client nominations are welcomed. It is free to nominate and self nominate.
For the 2025 Equestrian Business Awards, the categories are as follows:
Equine Therapist of the Year
sponsored by Equicantis​
Any kind of therapist may qualify, however they must hold relevant/current qualifications and be part of their respective governing bodies.
Diversity Award
sponsored by EquuStrong UK
Nominate an organisation or professional that has promoted diversity. and inclusion.
Equine Dentist of the Year
sponsored by The BAEDT
This award is open to BAEDT or WWAED qualified and registered equine dental technicians.
Nominate your favourite equestrian based charity.